Our Story

Welcome to IT'S A FAD, where every piece of wearable art is infused with love, magic, and a touch of serendipity. Our story began in April 2019, when Sara Leonardi-McGrath, our founder, embarked on a journey to spread happiness and enchantment in everyday life. What started as a simple experiment in her kitchen in Sydney, Australia, soon blossomed into something extraordinary.

With each t-shirt lovingly tied and dyed by Sara herself, It’s A Fad became more than just a brand—it became an art form, a celebration of individuality, and a conduit for positivity. Sara believes that there are no coincidences in life; instead, we create our own magic, and by choosing one of our unique pieces, you become a part of that magic.

Our wearable art pieces bring excitement, happiness, laughter, and a sense of freedom to anyone who wears them. They are not just clothing; they are catalysts for positivity and goodness in the universe, free from judgment and filled with limitless possibilities.

In September 2023, Sara's dream expanded as she opened our flagship store on Hastings Street. Here, amidst the vibrant energy of our shop, you can discover the magic of IT'S A FAD firsthand.

Join us on this journey of self-expression, creativity, and spreading joy. Whether you're drawn to our signature tie-dyed shirts or our other unique styles, each piece at IT'S A FAD is original, unique, and nothing short of amazing—just like you. Choose IT'S A FAD, and together, let’s make magic happen, one wearable work of art at a time.